November 10, 2022

November 10, 2022

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in special session on November 10, 2022 in the Miner County Courthouse Commission room.  Members present:  Alex Protsch, Tom Reisch, Kari Jo Carlson, Kathy Faber and Joe Bechen.  Absent:  none.  It was moved by Reisch, seconded by Faber and carried to approve the agenda.  The board instructed the auditor to pay the claims that follow:  Election Board Workers $5,340.00, On-Call Workers $100.00, Resolution Board Workers $150.00 SALARIES; Canova Village $50.00, City of Carthage $50.00, Fedora Fire Department $60.00 RENT; Election Board Workers $264.69 TRAVEL.

Commissioners conducted the official canvass of the 2022 General Election by reviewing the precinct recap sheets, precinct poll books, optical scan printouts and excel spreadsheet results.  No changes or corrections were made to the final results.  It was moved by Faber, seconded by Carlson and carried to approve the results of the 2022 General election.   The official canvass was remitted to the SD Secretary of State. 

It was moved by Bechen, seconded by Faber and caried to enter into executive session (SDCL 1-25-2 (3)) at 10:27.  The board returned to regular session at 11:04.

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned until November 15th.  Dated this 10th day of November, 2022.

                                                                                    Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                                                    Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor







Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)