April 8, 2014

                                                                          Tuesday, April 8, 2014


9:00 Flag Pledge, Approve Agenda, Approve Minutes, Pay Bills
9:15 Soil Conservation Annual Report -- Tami Moore
9:30 GIS Workshop -- Brenda Dahlstrom
10:00 Highway Matters -- Ron Krempges
Tax Exempt Applications-

Horizon Health Care
         1. Lot Ten (10) Block Fourteen Howard City OP
         2. Lot Nine (9) Block Fourteen except the South Two Feet (2’) off the South side of the East One Hundred               feet (100’) thereof Howard City OP
         3. Lot Eight (8) and the South Two feet (S 2’) of Lot Nine (9) , Block Fourteen Howard City OP
         4. The North Twenty-four feet (N 24’) of Lot Seven (7) Block Fourteen Howard City OP
         5. Lots Five (5) and Six (6) and the South one foot (S 1’) of Lot Seven (7), Block Fourteen Howard City                    OP
Nels Pederson Post #145 American Legion
         1. Lot 3 Block 3 Howard City OP (Former Bakery Lot)


Legal Matters

US Dept. of Homeland Security-FEMA-Approval of the Miner County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan
Miner County Conservation District February Report
Sheriff’s January & February Report
SD Dept. of Revenue Compliance Audit Findings-County Office of Equalization
Mitchell Area Safehouse Denim Days-Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Unfinished Business-
First District’s Estimate for GIS services

New Business-
ES&S – Hardware Maintenance & Firmware Maintenance Agreement
Midwest Boiler Repair, Inc. Estimate-Replacement of Boiler Water Tank
General Fund Surplus Analysis-March 31, 2014
Fedora Repeater Repairs


April 21st – Parking Lot Bid Opening 10:00

April 22nd – Commissioner Meeting (April 29th Last day to end Equalization)

May 1st – District Meeting – Hanson County

May 6th – Commissioner Meeting


Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)