March 21, 2017


March 21, 2017


The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on March 21, 2017 in the Miner County Courthouse.  Members present:  Roger Wentland, Alex Protsch, Garrett Gassman, Lavonne Durant and Tom Reisch. Absent:  none.  Chairman Wentland called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  It was moved by Protsch, seconded by Gassman and carried to approve the agenda.


The minutes of the March 7th meeting were approved with a change showing Durant voting in favor of Resolution 17-10.


The following correspondence was received:  SD Dept. of Revenue – 2016 Sales Ratio & Compliance Audit Report.


Commissioners discussed changes to the personnel policy dealing with compensatory time.  A final draft will be submitted at the April 4th meeting and will be considered for adoption.


Safety Benefits Property Valuation Survey & Recommendations indicated several areas that need to be addressed.  Those issues are currently being rectified and verification upon completion will be submitted to Safety Benefits.


Miner County Treasurer Pat Carmon presented information on parcels that are available for tax deed proceedings.  She also reviewed the current interest rates on money market accounts and certificates of deposit held by the county.


Jerry Adler representing Miner County Recreation Association requested that the grants given out amongst the youth recreation programs within the county be divided as follows:  Miner County Recreation $1600.00; Canova Summer Youth Recreation $1000; and Carthage $1000.  Adler stated that Miner County Recreation distributes dollars to groups throughout the county.  Many of those requests are for school related groups.  It was moved by Protsch, seconded by Reisch and carried to distribute grants funds as follows:  Miner County Recreation $1600.00; Canova Summer Youth Recreation $1000; and Carthage $1000.


Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported that the countywide signing project has begun and that location markings should be seen throughout the county within the next week.  Krempges also stated that the new motor grader should be delivered to the county this week.   Fencing of the county owned farm ground and sale of the Cat motor grader were also discussed.


Zoning Administrator Tami Severson presented the following plats for consideration.


It was moved by Reisch and seconded by Durant that the following resolution be approved.




BE IT RESOLVED that the plat described as LOT 1 OF SIGURD’S HOMESTEAD ADDITION IN SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE ¼) OF SECTION TWENTY-TWO (22), TOWNSHIP ONE HUNDRED EIGHT (108) NORTH, RANGE FIFTY-SIX (56) WEST OF THE 5TH P.M. IN MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, be approved and accepted by the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting of March 21, 2017 and the county Auditor is hereby instructed to endorse on such plat a copy of this resolution and to certify the same.


Voting aye:  Reisch, Durant, Gassman, Protsch and Wentland.  Voting nay:  none. 


                                                            Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                            Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


            It was moved by Protsch and seconded by Gassman that the following resolution be approved.




            BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Miner County, South Dakota, that the plat of TRACT 1, TORKELSON’S ADDITION IN THE SE ¼ OF THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 5, T107N, R56W, 5TH P.M., MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, which has been submitted for examination pursuant to law, is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to endorse on such plat a copy of this resolution and certify the same.


Voting aye:  Reisch, Durant, Gassman, Protsch and Wentland.  Voting nay:  none.                        


                                                            Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                            Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


Deputy Sheriff Rob Eggert joined the meeting in regards to Personnel Policy Medical Leave of a Supervisor:

In the event a Supervisor uses medical leave, the Interim Supervisor shall be compensated at the entry level rate of the Supervisor position upon completion of one (1) calendar week after formal notice has been documented by the Commission. (Interim Supervisor must work five consecutive (5) days before being compensated at Supervisor level.  Upon completion of those five (5) working days employee will be compensated at the Supervisor level retroactively for said five days and starting from the sixth day forward until the Supervisor returns to work).


Eggert requests supervisor pay for the period of time that his supervisor Lanny Klinkhammer was out on medical leave in 2015.  The board instructed Eggert to provide documentation of the exact number of days Klinkhammer was out on leave and bring that information to the next meeting for review.  The board also requested information on the number of days Treasurer Debbie Eggert was out on medical leave in 2015 so that her deputy Pat Carmon could also be considered for additional compensation.


CLAIMS ALLOWED: Century Link $101.07 911 CHARGES; Horizon Health Care $200.00 ALCOHOL TESTING; Assn of SD Co Weed & Pest Boards $150.00 DUES; Xcel Energy $15.06 ELECTRIC SERVICE; Canova Summer Youth Recreation $1,000.00, City of Carthage $1,000.00, Miner Co Recreation Assn $1,600.00 GRANTS TO OTHERS; SD Assn of County Commissioners $154.90 LEGAL EXPENSE RELIEF FUND; Miner Co Treasurer $107.85 POSTAGE; Aramark $129.99 RENT; Election Systems & Software $3,264.00, S&S Contracting $225.02, Vern Eide Ford Lincoln $583.06 REPAIRS; Spencer Quarries $35,173.50 ROAD MATERIALS; Brock White Co $1,469.76, Butler Machinery $3,936.57, Dust-Tex $138.95, Emergency Medical Products $176.54, Fastenal $36.06, Miner Co Treasurer $79.25, National 4-H Supply Service $31.55, Office Peeps $17.21, Salem Special $174.00 SUPPLIES; Pat Carmon $173.88, Voni Durant $33.60, Garrett Gassman $35.28, Roger Wetland $152.04 TRAVEL.


            The meeting adjourned to April 4th.  Dated this 21st day of March, 2017.


                                                            Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                            Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor




Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)