May 2, 2017


May 2, 2017


              The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session May 2, 2017 in the Miner County Courthouse.  Members present:  Roger Wentland, Tom Reisch, Garrett Gassman, Voni Durant, and Alex Protsch.  Absent:  none.  Chairman Wentland called the meeting to order.   The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Motion by Durant, seconded by Protsch and carried to approve the agenda as amended.


              The minutes of the April 18th meeting were approved.


              The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed an April 30, 2017 balance of $7,903,910.58 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.


              The board acknowledged receipt of the following correspondence:  SD DOT-Transportation Alternatives Funding; SD Public Safety Communications Council-Timeline for systems upgrade.


              It was moved by Gassman, seconded by Reisch and carried to approve the Election Systems & Software Election Services Agreement for services, ballot layout, coding, voice file services and ballot printing services.


              Emergency Management Director Bob Calmus reported on the requirement of a civil disturbance annex to Miner County’s Local Emergency Operations Plan.  This will be a requirement to receive SLA funds from the Dept. of Public Safety.  Calmus will work to put together a county-wide committee to develop the annex.


              The board held a public hearing as advertised to consider granting a temporary retail on-sale liquor license to Brenda Glanzer, who holds an operating agreement for a municipal on-sale alcoholic beverage license.  (SDCL 35-4-124).  It was moved by Gassman, seconded by Reisch and carried to approve the application of Brenda Glanzer for a temporary retail on-sale liquor license for June 3, 2017 at the location described as:  W ½ NE ¼, Vermillion Twp. (44185 239th St., Winfred, SD) upon payment of a $100 licensing fee.


              Sheriff Lanny Klinkhammer made a request for a level raise for Jennifer Bolden.  It was moved by Reisch, seconded by Protsch and carried to move Jennifer Bolden from level 3 to level 4 ($16.99).  Klinkhammer also informed the commission that the Miner County 911 is not in total compliance with the state’s requirements.  The 911 system and dispatcher must be in a secure location.  This can be obtained by installation of a locked door with a security camera.  Klinkhammer will report back on cost estimates so that the work may be completed to bring the 911 center into compliance.


              Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported on comments and concerns as to the number and location of signs placed throughout the county during the Federal signing project.  Krempges is working with the engineers on several areas of concern.  Miner County has been awarded funding through the SD Bridge Improvement Grant program for preliminary engineering for one of 3 bridges that are scheduled for future replacement/repair.


            Welfare Director Gibi Page presented the following welfare cases for consideration.  It was moved by Protsch, seconded by Durant and carried to approve payment to Avera Queen of Peace Hospital $2404.49 as applicant associated with application 17-01 meets eligibility for medical assistance.  It was moved by Durant, seconded by Reisch and carried to deny welfare case 17-02 due to lack of information available to determine income and residency eligibility (SDCL 28-13-1).


            The board adjourned as a board of commissioners and reconvened as a Planning and Zoning Board serving as a board of adjustments.  Chairman Protsch called the meeting to order.  A public hearing was held as advertised to reconsider the condition placed on the conditional use permit for Colby 2016, LLC Tyler Oliver (Dollar General).  Those present for the hearing included zoning administrator Tami Severson, State’s Attorney Greg Protsch and assistant Kristian Ellendorf, Applicant Tyler Oliver, Carla Paulson of the Miner County Pioneer, Howard City Mayor Don Arens, and Dave Clarke.  Chairman Protsch opened the public hearing and asked for comments.


            Tyler Oliver addressed the board as to the findings that he received from the SD Dept. of Transportation field manager, Scott Jansen.  The SD DOT has presented its findings to the Howard City Council indicating that the DOT would recommend speed limit changes through Howard on SD Hwy 34 and that the survey of traffic through town completed by the SD DOT indicates that a reduction to 45 mph at the proposed Dollar Store site is not feasible.


              The council has responded with a request for a 50-30-50 speed limit.  The 50 mph would begin at approximately the site of the beef plant and extend approximately 1000 feet east of intersection of 435th Ave.


            Dave Clarke addressed the board stating he felt that this condition and discussion was a waste of time and money and that the condition was not necessary.  Clarke then left the meeting.


            Chair Protsch asked if there were any other questions or comments from the public.  Hearing none, the public hearing was closed.  It was moved by Gassman and seconded by Wentland and carried unanimously to remove the condition placed on the conditional use permit issued to Colby 2016, LLC Tyler Oliver (Dollar General) on February 7, 2017 and to concur with the speed limit set by the SD Dept. of Transportation.


            Mark Neises and Jason Feldhaus representing the Howard Farmers Coop Association met with the board to inquire about the process that is required to be followed when applying for conditional use permits associated with concentrated animal feeding operations.  Chairman Protsch reviewed the steps that need to be completed so that an application may be presented to the board for consideration.  Zoning Administrator Severson spoke to the process and stated that specifics as to location & size of proposed operations dictates the rules regarding setbacks from residences and municipalities.  Neises expressed that he has had several individuals contact him concerning possible construction of sow units and or hog finisher units.  Feldhaus stated that the HFCA is in no way interested as a coop in owning those type of units.  The board instructed them to work with Severson once plans for such projects develop.


            The board adjourned as a Planning and Zoning Board and reconvened as a Board of Commissioners.


            Chairman Wentland moved the meeting to the sheriff’s office for discussion on the newly adopted compensatory time policy.  Cora Schwader addressed the board as to concerns relating to the accumulation of compensatory time within her position as 911 coordinator.  When there is no officer available to cover the noon hour she must remain at work, therefore accruing quite a few hours each pay period.  The board returned to the commission room and after a lengthy review of the policy it was decided to leave the policy as written.  The board agreed that vacation and compensatory time can be managed by each employee to ensure that compensatory time is used prior to using vacation.


            It was moved by Durant, seconded by Gassman and carried to enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters (SDCL 1-25-2 (1)) at 12:04.  The board returned to regular session at 12:12.


CLAIMS ALLOWED: Road & Bridge $36,237.53, Wellmark $34,882.27, MetLife $1,514.58, Retirement $5,610.77, OASI $8,081.63, Commissioners $4,140.00, Auditor $6,616.50, Treasurer $5,969.25, States Attorney $3,859.25, Govt Building $2,662.40, Director of Equalization $6,525.82, Register of Deeds $5,930.11, Vet Service $834.00, Sheriff $11,133.95, Contract Law $3,846.00, Welfare $514.92, Co Nurse $1,229.75, Ambulance $10,027.24, WIC $84.00, Extension $1,229.75, Weed $1,183.50, Dispatch $10,180.49, Emergency Mgt $2,198.75 APRIL PAYROLL; Mike Clary $100.00, Josh Esser $120.00, Kevin Feldhaus $20.00, Nathan Kizer $20.00, Ken Ruml $40.00 AMBULANCE ATTENDANT FEES; Avera Occupational Medicine $73.40 DRUG TESTING; Northwestern Energy $650.74 GAS SERVICE; First District Assn. of Local Govts $2,000.00 GIS SERVICES; Emergency Safety Education $238.61 IN-SERVICE EDUCATION; Nick Kramer $295.00 MOWING; SD Bureau of Info & Tech $27.00 NETWORKING ACCESS FEES; Avera Queen of Peace $2,404.49 POOR RELIEF-COUNTY PATIENT CARE; Stamp Fulfillment Services $601.75 POSTAGE; Aramark $121.42 RENT; 911 Datamaster Inc. $1,300.00, Cummins Central Power $412.93, Klinkhammer Plumbing $51.02, Office Peeps $85.50, Ultra $203.00 REPAIRS; Greg Protsch $900.00 STATE’S ATTY OFFICE EXPENSE ALLOWANCE; Axon Enterprise $150.00, Dawson Construction $27.78, James River Equipment $238.61, Krug Products $64.35, Mid-American Research $66.64, Safety Kleen $412.15 SUPPLIES; Alliance $836.75, Colleen Arens $30.00, AT&T $82.45, Century Link $14.40, Mike Clary $30.00, Rob Eggert $30.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $30.00 TELEPHONE; Voni Durant $33.60, Ramkota Hotel Pierre $57.00, Tami Severson $160.00, The Lodge at Deadwood $343.76 TRAVEL; City of Howard $1,637.50 UTILITIES.


            The meeting adjourned to May 16th.  Dated this 2nd day of May, 2017.

                                                                        Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                                        Miner County Board of Commissioners


Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)